Grossman Forestry Company is located in Newberry, MI. Your Upper Peninsula forest parcel can offer you many possibilities. Which should be the most important? How are you willing to participate to help your “Upper Peninsula Forest Management and UP Timber Marketing Specialists” U.P. forest reach its potential of usefulness, productivity, and increased value? If you own or are considering the purchase of Michigan woodlands, a scientific evaluation can be made to identify your forest management options.
Grossman Forestry of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula has the experience and credentials to make your plan a reality.
Grossman Forestry Company has registered Upper Peninsula foresters and Upper Peninsula real estate agents available for all of your land and/or timber needs. We specialize in vacant lands as our primary business and are trained and qualified to recognize any potential timber value on your parcel.
Address: 1013 S. Newberry Ave., P.O. Box 426, Newberry, MI
Phone: (906) 293-8707